
For women as for men, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been proven effective with fertility issues. Indeed, TCM can improve your state of health, increase your chance to conceive and bring you a long-term support during your pregnacy and postpartum period.


After a diagnosis of your state of health, the chinese medicine specialist will be able to determine the cause of your problem. Depending of the result, they will then start the treatment, most often with acupuncture.





Chinese acupuncture brings support and increase your chance to conceive in a natural way. As we know, all organs are linked in our body. If one organ is suffering, the rest will eventually follow and suffer as well. It is the same about fertility, the key is always to understand where the problem is coming from. Acupuncture won't only focus on the reproductive system but on the whole body to find the affected area and treat it.


By improving your entire state of health, acupuncture will increase your chance to conceive.  Precisely, with this technique, the specialist can : rebalance hormones, impove blood pressure towards reproductive system, reduce stress and avoid heavy medical interventions.



For women


For women, acupuncture can act on :

- Cycle period regulation
- Endometriosis
- Bleeding outside period time
- Amenorrhea and dysamenorrhea
- Polyps
- Ovulation pain
- Recurrent miscarriage
- Cysts
- Fibroids.



For men


For men, acupuncture can act on :


- Motiliy
- Erectile dysfunction
- Impotency
- Low libido
- Testicules health
- Sperm count (production quantity and ryhthm).



Nutrition and lifestyle reccomandations


In addition of acupuncture, the specialist will also give you recommandation about nutrition and personnalized advices for your lifestyle routine always for improving your chance to conceive.


Traidtional chinese medicine can also support you on long-term. If you are on a pregancy period nor a post-partum period, the TCM specialist can keep following your case and giving you precious tips concerning you and your newborn if necessary. 

Contact us

5 Dr Alfred Vincent str. 1st floor, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland

+41 22 900 27 27

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