For women as for men, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been proven effective with fertility issues. Indeed, TCM can improve your state of health, increase your chance to conceive and bring you a long-term support during your pregnacy and postpartum period.
After a diagnosis of your state of health, the chinese medicine specialist will be able to determine the cause of your problem. Depending of the result, they will then start the treatment, most often with acupuncture.
Chinese acupuncture brings support and increase your chance to conceive in a natural way. As we know, all organs are linked in our body. If one organ is suffering, the rest will eventually follow and suffer as well. It is the same about fertility, the key is always to understand where the problem is coming from. Acupuncture won't only focus on the reproductive system but on the whole body to find the affected area and treat it.
By improving your entire state of health, acupuncture will increase your chance to conceive. Precisely, with this technique, the specialist can : rebalance hormones, impove blood pressure towards reproductive system, reduce stress and avoid heavy medical interventions.
For women, acupuncture can act on :
- Cycle period regulation
- Endometriosis
- Bleeding outside period time
- Amenorrhea and dysamenorrhea
- Polyps
- Ovulation pain
- Recurrent miscarriage
- Cysts
- Fibroids.
For men, acupuncture can act on :
- Motiliy
- Erectile dysfunction
- Impotency
- Low libido
- Testicules health
- Sperm count (production quantity and ryhthm).
In addition of acupuncture, the specialist will also give you recommandation about nutrition and personnalized advices for your lifestyle routine always for improving your chance to conceive.
Traidtional chinese medicine can also support you on long-term. If you are on a pregancy period nor a post-partum period, the TCM specialist can keep following your case and giving you precious tips concerning you and your newborn if necessary.
At TMed, specialists in Traditional Chinese Medicine do not treat a disease, but a person. The treatments offered at our center are tailored to the causes and state of health of each person and are 100% natural.
The loss of hair is often considered as a fate because it is an uncontrollable symptom. However, natural medicine can slowdown the process and in some cases, even stop it definitely. It can also boost the hair growth after a cancer.
During our lifetime, we have all experienced a certain level of stress which is a natural response of our body to real or perceived threats in our environment. Depending on the diagnosis of the causes of your stress and the problems that the stress has caused in your body, we offer consultation with the specialist in Traditional Chinese Medicine or Ayurvedic Medicine, as well as therapeutic massages and group or private lessons.
The human organism is a well-designed biological system with self-healing abilities. However, external factors such as seasonal changes, viruses, stress, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc. can cause imbalances and affect our health. To strengthen the immune system, Traditional Chinese Medicine offers preventive and curative treatments.
Once you are free from symptoms of COVID, it is time to take care of your body to help it recover. Traditional Chinese Medicine offers the natural treatments to help your body, weakened by COVID, regain balance and strengthen its immune defenses.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as in Ayurvedic Medicine, the term insomnia includes all sleep disturbances such as difficulty falling asleep, frequent or too early awakenings, too light and easily disturbed sleep. The causes of insomnia are very diverse and can be detected by the diagnosis by the pulse making during the 1st appointment with one of the experts in Traditional Chinese Medicine or Ayurvedic Medicine at TMed.
Ingestion, assimilation, digestion and elimination are the vital points of good health in our body. If there is an imbalance (or more) in any of these functions, then all organs are weakened. In holistic approaches, the causes of gastrointestinal problems vary from individual to individual. For this reason, it is advisable to opt for an individual consultation in order to detect the causes of your digestion problem and to receive the treatment adapted to your case. During the consultation you will receive personalized recommendations for nutrition and lifestyle.
To harmonize menstrual imbalances such as dysmenorrhea (painful periods), specialists in Traditional Chinese Medicine work with four main tools: Chinese pharmacopoeia, acupuncture, nutrition and adapted lifestyle and physical exercises adapted to your body.
In holistic approaches, the causes of back pain and herniated disc vary from individual to individual. For this reason, it is advisable to opt for individual consultations where you will receive the indications adapted to your case. Back pain and a herniated disc can be caused by weak cartilage, accidents, muscle strain, or some other reason.