Kobido training course

Learn the basics of the Kobido facial massage with our therapists Anna Makarkina Bochatay and Valérie Jacquet! 

The cours allying theory and practice is taking place in TMed since June 2022.


Ko bi do facial massage is a Japanese massage known for its natural lifting effects. Ko Bi Do technique has been developped in 1472 and it is passed on from Master to pupil since 26 generations. The last known Master at this time is Doctor Shogo Mochizuki. According to him, Kobido means "Ancestral Way of Beauty". In our course we teach the authentic technique of Dr Shogo Mochizuki .  


Anna Makarkina Bochatay is a facial massage specialist with more than 16 years of experience behind her shoulders. A specialist primarily in Kobido, Anna has worked in the largest spas and holistic health centers in Geneva. She studied the fields of health and well-being in several professional schools in Switzerland and France.

Anna turned to the Kobido facial massage when she discovered this practice 16 years ago. “I discovered the art of Kobido in Switzerland, with my trainer who herself studied with Dr Shogo Mochizuki, the 26th generation Master of the Kobido house. » In 2024 Anna participates in the international masseurs competition and comes 2nd among the participants in the Facial Massage division.

For Anna, although today there are a large number of derivatives, only Kobido respecting the codes of Dr Shogo Mochizuki can be described as “real” and “authentic”. “When I discovered the art of this massage for the first time, I was fascinated, impressed and amazed by this unique set of gestures and above all its proven effectiveness! I knew at that moment that I wanted to do everything to master this art to perfection.”


Valérie Jacquet

A graduate in Aesthetics since 1998, Valérie now has more than 25 years of facial massage practice, including 20 years of KO BI DO massage practice. Valerie has studied the different types of facial massage in India, China and Japan!

For 15 years Valérie has been experimenting with different approaches to beauty through health. She creates a methodology of tailor-made Spiritual Beauty® treatments targeted at the beauty of the face.

Valérie teaches the method of Dr Shogo Mochizuki and as a bonus shares with you her own gestures and her knowledge of Chinese medicine and its benefits on the health and beauty of the face.


Kobido training objectives 

  • learn the integrity of the techniques necessary to perform a Kobido massage
  • learn the basics of the face anatomy and lymphatic system
  • learn the indications and contraindications to this type of treatment
  • discover the best oils and floral waters to use for the massage
  • learn how to make a successful seance and what skin health advice give to the client



Contents of training


General presentation of the course, teacher and teaching method


I. Introduction to the History of Kobido 

II. The aesthetic and wellbeing virtues of Kobido massage 

III. List of material that you'll nead for the massage

IV. Massage techniques 


1. Prior to the massage: hygiene rules, importance of therapist's posture, questions to ask the client before the seance begins 

2. Massage techniques 

3. After the massage: importance of rest and hydratation, advice to give to the clients on their skin care routine


V. indications and contraindications to the Kobido massage

VI. Which oils to use ? Which floral waters?

VII. Bonus: Relational dimension: how to understand the needs and the expectations of your client and how to make a seance successful 

VIII. Recommended reading 



Price and format


The price for the particiaption in training is

CHF   900.-  for 16h training cours on 2 days

CHF 1'200.-  for 20h training cours on 2 1/2 days and examination

You'll also receive a free printed illustrated handout and acces to the online training platforme for vidéo content.


The training days for the Kobido Basics - 2 days (16h) are:


AUGUST 2024 - by Valéry Jacquet

August 3-4 - from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (1 hour break at noon) - Basic training


DECEMBER 2024 - by Valéry Jacquet

to be fixed promptly - on demand


The training days for the Kobido Basics - 2 1/2 days (20h) are:



JULY 2024 - by Anna Makarkina (speaks French and Russian)

July 20-21 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (1 hour break at noon) - Basic training

July 22 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Basic training


SEPTEMBER 2024 - by Valérie Jaquet (speaks French and English)

August 31-September 1 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (1 hour break at noon) - Basic training

September 2 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Basic training



by Valérie Jaquet (speaks French and English)

October 5-October 6 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (1 hour break at noon) - Basic training

October 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Basic training


by Anna Makarkina (speaks French and Russian)

October 19-20 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (1 hour break at noon) - Basic training

October 21 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Basic training


NOVEMBER 2024 - by Anna Makarkina (speaks French and Russian)

November 23-24 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (1 hour break at noon) - Basic training

November 25 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Basic training


The examination sessions 2024:

28th of September 2024 - with Anna Makarkina


The individual training session is also possible, please contact our team for more details.


The course will take place at TMed Center (rue Dr Alfred Vincent 5, 1201 Geneva).




If you have questions or wish to participate, please contact us at:

 Email at:  training@tmed.ch 


Phone at:  +41 22 900 27 27. 

Thank you!

Kobido training course

03 August 09:00 - 18:00 (Training Ko Bi Do 2 days / Valérie Jacquet)

04 August 09:00 - 18:00 (Training Ko Bi Do 2 days / Valérie Jacquet)

CHF 900

Training Ko Bi Do 2 days

CHF 1200

Training Kobido 2 1/2 days

Contact us

5 Dr Alfred Vincent str. 1st floor, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland

+41 22 900 27 27

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