Training Marma Points

TMed Master Classes of Ayurveda

Modular Tutorials & Trainings for Professionals and Therapists 2024 Program


TMed MCA - Intro to Rituals of Marma Points Wisdom in Human Physiology

Theory and Practice Six Sessions Package


Course overview:


01.09.2024 - Modul 1. Ayurveda Basic foundation & Guidelines for Therapists

06.10.2024 - Module 2. Sarvanga - Abhyanga (Abhyanga for Whole Body)

03.11.2024 - Module 3. Shiro-Abhyanga (Abhyanga for Head)

01.12.2024 - Module 4. Introduction to Marma Bindu (vital points) & Chakras

January 2025  -  Module 5. Ayurveda Oils 

February 2025 - Module 6. Herbal preparations


From 10AM to 5:30PM (17h30) hours including a lunch and two tea breaks.


This Intensive Module will provide

- a theoretical and practical approach to Ayurveda Abhyanga

- Introduction to Rituals of Marma Points Wisdom in Human Physiology,

- the Eternal Cosmic Intelligence with Spiritual dimension in mechanism of action of Marma Bindu

- Marma points functions on body, mind and soul

and will give first-hand experience to each and every participant with vital points under supervision and guidance of Dr Gupta and will address the assessment of degree of vitality as Prana Shakti and Practice of Ayurveda Marma Therapy as Sarvanga Marma Abhyanga.



Who is the Programme for?


The Practice Oriented AyurVeda Training Modules for Health, Happiness and Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul and for learning to achieve specific professional skills in day-to-day AyurVeda practice is for

- AyurVeda Therapists,

- Medical or Para-medical Professionals,

- General Practitioners,

- Nurses,

- Therapists of any Alternative and Complimentary Methods or Medicine.


Price is CHF2100.- or CHF400.- per separate module.


How to apply?


If you want to participate, please contact us by our website contact form, messenger, email or phone call.


Upon receipt of your request we will provide you with an application form, which will need to be completed and returned to us.


To enhance the value and quality of the Modular Trainings and to come to your expectations we would appreciate if you would write a motivation letter mentioning, why you are attracted to follow these modules, and what are your expectations.


Our aim is to constitute a groupe of 10 motivated and skiiled proffesionals, to give the best experience to the students.  


Upon receiving of your application form and motivation letter we will invite you to have a video call or a face-to-face talk for 10-15 minutes over a cup of AyurVeda Chai Tea with Dr Naveen Gupta at TMed Geneva.


If you would also like to attend Ayurvéda Nutrition Training Module (the page will be published soon) we offer additional 10% discount for it.

Contact us

5 Dr Alfred Vincent str. 1st floor, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland

+41 22 900 27 27

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