In Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as in Ayurvedic Medicine, the term insomnia includes all sleep disturbances such as difficulty falling asleep, frequent or too early awakenings, too light and easily disturbed sleep.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, all types of insomnia are caused by insufficient Yin, passive energy.
In Ayurvedic medicine, insomnia is called "anidra" and is caused by the excess of air and space elements in the body associated with dosha Vatta.
The causes of insomnia are very diverse and can be detected by the diagnosis by the pulse making during the 1st appointment with one of the experts in Traditional Chinese Medicine or Ayurvedic Medicine at TMed.
Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments for insomnia almost always consist of acupuncture and herbal remedies. Traditional Chinese Medicine expert Weimin Zhu performs pulse diagnostics to determine the causes of insomnia and prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.
Our experts in TCM and Ayurveda provide advice on nutrition and healthy living adapted to your body and your state of health.
Acupuncture can help relax the body and mind by nourishing and "rooting" passive energy (Yin), while naturally increasing the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. These treatments are very gentle and it is best to have them in the evening when our active energy (Yang) decreases.
Marma massage is a therapeutic Ayurvedic massage which is known to have beneficial effects on the nervous system, elimination of toxins and rebalance of Dosha.
The massage is performed with oils adapted to your needs composed by the practitioner in Ayurvedic Medicine, Anaïs Lesoil.
By stimulating the reflex points of the face, Thai face massage Nouat Naa relieves muscle tension and increases bleeding circulation which helps restore deep and healthy sleep.
Regular practice of Qigong helps rebalance the flow of vital energy to three organs: heart, kidney and liver. The balanced functioning of these three organs makes it possible to find a restful sleep.
One of the causes of insomnia includes excess stress and anxiety. Regular practice of yoga, mediation, or pranayama promotes deep rest and relaxation. These practices help calm the nervous system, reducing stress and dramatically increasing your vital energy. We invite you to consult the group and private lessons program at TMed here.