KOBIDO Training course

KOBIDO is an ancestral technique of facial massage rooted in the country of sunrise, Japon. This treatment is known for its natural lifting effects and has become very popular in Switzerland during the last few years. In addition to aesthetic benefits, the Kobido session offers clients a deep feeling of relaxation.

TMed offers a two-day KOBIDO facial massage training. The training is given by the massage therapist with many years of practice, Anne Makarkina Bochatay.


This training is intended for massage therapists, physiotherapists and beauticians, but can also be accessible to amateurs.




  • Saturday, October 8th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (1 hour break at noon)
  • Sunday, October 9th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (1 hour break at noon)


The 3rd day is an option if you would like to practice in groupe of 4 people and improve you practice. The date of the 3rd day of traning is to be fixed with teacher and groupe mambers. You can also opte for the privat training, please contact us for more details.



TMed - traditional medicine center

Rue Dr Alfred-Vincent, 5

1201 Geneva


For more information and seat reservation, please follow the link.

October 08, 2022 - October 09, 2022

CHF 1200

Kobido face massage training - 3 days

CHF 1140

Early registration before 25.08.2022

CHF 850

Kobido face massage training - 2 days

Anna Makarkina Bochatay

Anna Makarkina Bochatay

Face Massage Trainer and Therapist in massage ASCA approved (speaks French and Russian)

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