Looking for some changes in your lifestyle ? Looking to learn a fast and healthy way of cooking ? Looking to try a fancy cuisine ? Looking to discover a new culture ? Looking for improving your health by food ? If you recognize yourslef, this training is made for you !
Discover all the Chinese dietetics secrets with our online training. A cuisine plenty of benefits born 7000 ago and of which the principles join the Traditional Chinese Medicine ones.
The training is provided by Dr. Weimin Zhu, our Chinese Medicine specialist who has great knowledges in Chinese dietetics and who uses it as a part of the treatment to heal his patients in a most natural way. Dr. Zhu has acquired his knowledges with his father during childhood. With more than 40 years of experience in the health are, our specialist has become a real passionate of this ditetetics which are, according to him, the principal solution against illness and diseases.
Modules :
1) History & key notions of chineese dietetics according to Dao
2) Food natures & cooking methods
3) Food selection and seasons
4) Recipes to cook according to your pathology or about specific topics (e.g: women's health, anti-obesity, anti-cancer, anti-hypertension, anti-diabetic, cardiovascular disorders, etc.)
Indeed, with this training, you will get a wide range of recipes to help you to improve, heal and to regulate symptomes/diseases such as : digestive disorders, painful periods, water retention, vision problems, chronic pains, hair loss problem, sleeping troubles, etc.
Tanks to this Chinese dietetics Course you will learn :
- the differents nature of food and how to differentiate them,
- the 16 types of slicing and which one to use for which purpose,
- the different cooking methods,
- the big chinese traditions around the table
- how to associate food depending of their properties and benefits,
- why and how adapt our food for each season,
-40 recipes,
- its story, its origins and its thoretical bases,
- its close link with Chinese medicine and the Dao philosophy,
- the Yin and Yang in nutrition,
- that integrate a healthy and diversified food in your life routine is easier and cheaper than it seems.
NB : All the ingredients used in this class are easy to find. Only bonus recipes might contain particular food. It is the same thing about the kitchen tools. Nothing specific is required, please just make sure you have the basic things such as pans, kitchen knifes, stoves, etc.
"Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food" (Hippocrate, 460 years before J-C).
Format :
One online class per week during 2-3 months. The class material will still be available during one year counting from the starting day. About the logistic you will get :
- Videos support by private access on our Youtube Chanel,
- Written thorical documents to receive by e-mail,
- Homeworks,
- Private chat discussion group on the youtube platform in order to ask questions,
- Webinars with the teacher and the other participants to exchange about selected topics (for webinar package).
The training is accessible to all and no there are no prerequisites. Send a registration request and receive an exclusive preview with the full course program, the teacher introducion and a video tutorial of a recipe !
To follow the training there are 3 options:
1- Autonomous (price CHF260.- ), that you can puchase directly on our platformeby following the link
2- With groupe follow up, contening 2 webinars with Dr Weimin Zhu (price CHF360.-)
3- Individual followup (price CHF900.-)
Interested but not yet convinced? Attend our trial class! Try the discovery package at 20 CHF. This course includes theory and practice with : an introduction to the history of Chinese dietetics and an access to two recipes, one vegetarian and one focused on female health. In addition, you will also get access our next webinar with a very special topic. Hosted by our Professor Dr. Zhu, the webinar will also give you the occasion to ask your questions during the Q&A session. To register, contact us!
NB : Currently, this training is only available in French. If you are interested for an english class please let us know. We will open one once the demand is high enough.
A chinese dietetics training for :
- getting access to a new culutre and acquiring ancestral knowledges,
- discovering more than 40 delicious recipes,
- learning a way to heal and improve your health state condition and your lifestyle in a natural way.
Become your own nutritionist !
CHF 260
Training in Chineese Dietetics - Autonomous
CHF 360
Training in Chineese Dietetics - 2 webinars
CHF 1200
A training course to learn how to perform the Japanese face massage.
CHF 900
Next session: January 25-26th The Intra-oral face massage training program is dedicated for massage therapists or aesthetic specialists. The Intra-oral face massage is procure the natural beauty of the face. This avant-garde fascialist method consists of massaging the muscles of the oral cavity by performing dual internal and external muscular stimulation. For this we use gloves.
Learn how make perfect Thaï massages with Emmy Sithikomol, our therapist specialized in Thai massage. With more than 10 years of experience, Emmy will share her knowledge and teach you the art of massage.