April 24, 2020
Ayurveda oils are one of the main therapeutic tools in Ayurveda.
No other phyto-therapeutic system uses such a great variety of plants. One of the most commonly used oil Mahanarayan contains up to sixty different herbs. The production of this ayurvedic oil comes from the ancient procedures received from Vedas. It is made from decoction or maceration of medicinal plants in vegetable oil, which can take up to 40 days. The oil, that is maintained in a stable temperature, is daily agitated during sunrise and sunset, while reading a mantra (a pray) and further it can be exposed to the light of a specified color to enhance its energy (Prana). These processes give Ayurvedic oils their therapeutic powers. It cannot be compared in any sense to the oils commonly used in wellness institutes and spas. Ayurvedic oils are medicinal and therapeutic from their production, and they bestow the fundamental therapeutic approach to the art of healing in Ayurveda. They have a large variety of medicinal actions.
There are physical, physiological and psychological benefits
The physical benefits are relaxation, slowing down of aging, detoxification and regeneration of tissues, toning of muscles, recovery of psychophysical handicaps, improvement in the eyes, improvement in the flexibility of the joints, relief of rheumatic pain, well-being during maternity including wellbeing of the infant.
The physiological benefits are the proper functioning of the digestive, circulatory, respiratory and excretory organs and systems.
The psychological benefits are joy, calm, mental clarity, resistance to stress, elimination of psychological trauma, elimination of fatigue, depression, insomnia, and anxiety as well as improved communication skills.
April 24, 2020
The relationship between a mother and her child is one of the strongest bonds that exist. According to Traditional Medicine, this bond is particularly strong until the age of 12. The appearance of an imbalance in the child is often influenced by the
We only have one life... but it will be much more enjoyable if we are in good health. So we might as well take care of it now to preserve our health capital in the long term! In this article, we would like to introduce you to the benefits of